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Introduction to Biophilic Design in Commercial Spaces

Biophilic design, which incorporates natural elements into the built environment, has gained significant traction in recent years. This approach aims to reconnect people with nature and harness its restorative benefits, even within urban spaces. While living plants have been the go-to solution for bringing the outdoors in, they come with several drawbacks that make them less than ideal for commercial settings. Enter preserved moss, flowers, and plants—a low-maintenance, cost-effective alternative that delivers the same biophilic benefits without the hassle. In this post, we’ll explore why preserved nature is the optimal choice for biophilic design in offices, healthcare facilities, hospitality spaces, and other commercial environments. So, let’s dive into how making workspaces feel more like the outdoors can actually be a smart business move.

Pitfalls of Living Plants and Living Walls

Picture this: a lush living wall, brimming with vibrant foliage, transforming a sterile office into an inviting green oasis. While the vision is undeniably appealing, the reality of maintaining living plants indoors is often far from idyllic. Here’s why:

  1. High Upkeep: Keeping indoor plants alive and thriving requires a significant investment of time and resources. From regular watering and pruning to fertilizing and pest control, the maintenance can quickly become a full-time job. One should not forget about a gardener driving to location to maintain these gardens to create constant carbon footprint.
  2. Pest Problems: Despite your best efforts, living plants can attract unwanted visitors like aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. These pests not only compromise the health of your plants but can also spread to other areas of your building.
  3. Allergy Concerns: For some individuals, indoor plants can trigger allergic reactions due to pollen or mold spores. In commercial spaces where the health and comfort of employees and visitors are paramount, this can be a serious concern.
  4. Moisture Mayhem: Living walls and large plant installations often require complex irrigation systems, which can lead to water damage, mold growth, and even structural issues if not properly maintained.
  5. Lighting Woes: Most indoor plants require ample natural light to survive, which can be a challenge in many commercial buildings. Providing adequate artificial lighting (grow lights with certain UV elements in) can be costly, energy-intensive, and might even be harmful for eyes.
  6. Replacement Expenses: Even with meticulous care, living plants have a limited lifespan indoors. Regularly replacing dead or struggling plants can quickly add up, straining budgets and resources

Understanding Preserved Nature and Its Role -Preserved Nature: A Better Way

Now imagine that same lush green wall, but without any of the drawbacks mentioned above. That’s the beauty of preserved nature. By using moss, plants, and flowers that have been carefully and preserved in environmentally responsible way to maintain their soft, life-like texture and vibrant color, you can enjoy all the benefits of biophilic design without the headaches. Here’s how preserved nature stacks up:

  1. Zero Maintenance: Preserved plants require no water, light, or ongoing care, making them a truly set-it-and-forget-it solution for busy commercial environments.
  2. Lasting Beauty: With minimal care (occasional dusting), preserved botanicals can retain their lush appearance for several years, providing a cost-effective, long-term design investment.
  3. Allergy-Friendly: Since preserved plants no longer produce pollen or harbor mold, they create a healthier indoor environment for everyone.
  4. Pest-Free Peace of Mind: The preservation process eliminates the risk of pest infestations, so you can enjoy your green spaces without the need for harmful pesticides or constant vigilance.
  5. Design Versatility: From green walls and hanging installations, to planter inserts to mimic the potted plants and beyond, preserved plant elements offer endless creative possibilities for incorporating nature into your space.
  6. Consistent Appearance: Unlike living plants that can wilt, fade, or shed with the seasons, preserved nature maintains its pristine appearance year-round, ensuring a reliably beautiful aesthetic.

Preserved nature is all about keeping natural elements as they are, but making sure they last long without needing water, soil, or sunlight. Think plants, flowers, and trees that stay fresh for years, not days. This method is key for biophilic design in places like offices, malls, or hotels. Why? Because it brings the outside inside, without the hassle. No watering, no dead leaves, no bugs, just green and thriving looks all year round. It’s a smart pick for businesses since it cuts down on care and keeps spaces looking great. Plus, it taps into our love for nature, making spaces where people feel better and work better. Preserved nature isn’t just décor; it’s a boost to well-being and connection in commercial spots for perfect application of Biophilic Design.

The Benefits of Incorporating Preserved Nature

Putting real, preserved nature into your workspaces isn’t just about looks. It’s way more than just eye candy. Here’s the straightforward scoop: Preserved nature in commercial spaces can boost happiness and well-being. Imagine feeling a sense of calm instead of the typical office buzz. Studies show that having elements of nature around can lower stress and make people more productive. Plus, it slashes down the energy bill. Real plants? They need light, water, the whole nine yards. Preserved nature? Not so much. It’s like having the best of both worlds – the green without the high maintenance. And talk about making a statement. It tells clients and employees that you’re forward-thinking, committed to wellness, and eco-conscious. In short, incorporating preserved nature is a no-brainer for creating spaces that aren’t just beautiful but are smart, sustainable, and ultimately better for business and the people in it.

How Preserved Nature Enhances Aesthetics and Atmosphere

Bringing the outside in, that’s what biophilic design is all about. It’s a straightforward yet profound concept where preserved nature plays a starring role. When commercial spaces embrace this design, they don’t just look better; they feel better. Imagine walking into an office and being greeted by lush green walls or stepping into a hotel lobby accentuated with real, but preserved, trees. That’s the magic of using preserved nature. It enhances the aesthetics, making spaces more inviting and visually stimulating. This isn’t just talk; it’s backed by science. Studies show that spaces that incorporate natural elements have a calming effect on people. They reduce stress, boost mood, and even increase productivity. It’s a win-win. Plus, preserved nature is maintenance-free. No watering, no trimming, just pure, unchanging beauty. So when we talk about elevating the look and atmosphere of a commercial space, preserved nature is a powerful tool. It offers the best of both worlds—the beauty of nature with the practicality for commercial use.

Preserved Nature (Moss Walls and Vertical Walls with Preserved Foliage): A Sustainable Option

Choosing preserved nature for biophilic design in commercial spaces is not just about bringing the outside in. It’s about doing so sustainably. Preserved nature involves using real plants and foliage that have undergone a special treatment process to maintain their beauty without the need for water, soil, or sunlight. This means once they’re installed, they don’t consume additional resources or require the upkeep that traditional live plants do. This slashes maintenance costs and minimizes the environmental footprint of commercial spaces. Plus, preserved plants are free from the cycle of replacement that live plants are subject to, making them a one-time investment that lasts for years. Essentially, opting for preserved nature in biophilic designs melds aesthetic appeal with environmental responsibility, serving as a smart choice for businesses looking to make a positive impact.

Case Studies: Successful Biophilic Designs Using Preserved Nature, Preserved Greenery, Preserved Moss and Preserved Foliage

When businesses throw biophilic design into the mix, they’re tapping into a deep-rooted human need to connect with nature. Think of the office space that doesn’t just look good but makes you feel good. That’s biophilic design at its core, and preserved nature is a star player in this league. Let’s dive into some success stories.

Trip Advisor’s HQ in Needham MA was installed its large 6 Preserved Gardens in 2015 by Garden on the Wall® where these gardens are enjoyed by 950 plus employees. It’s not just for show. Workers get to meet, think, and relax in a space that feels a million miles away from the urban grind. The result? Creativity and productivity bloom just like the Preserved Moss and Preserved Gardens surrounding them.

Then, there’s the NEWYORK-PRESBYTERIAN DAVID H. KOCH CENTER Integrative Medicine and Well-Being Center, an award winning project of HOK. It flips the script on what hospitals feel and look like. Preserved gardens that look like growing from the gaps of curvilinear tiles at the Main Lobby and Patient’s Waiting Rooms along with preserved planters around the reception area all installed by Garden on the Wall in 2018. They’re not just pretty; it’s proven to help patients recover faster, thanks to reduced stress and improved morale. The staff benefits too, with a serene place to recharge.

Amazon’s offices in Irvine California chose a different path from its Seattle Headquarters, and they chose Preserved greenery for that office. The installation made by Garden on the Wall in 2017, where the employees are still enjoying the preserved greenery in this project. The philosophy here is simple: happy employees lead to happy customers. Natural light floods in, and the air is fresh, making for a workspace that feels both energizing and calming.

These cases aren’t just about aesthetics. They underline a clear message: integrating preserved nature isn’t just a nod to the environment—it’s a strategic move. It boosts wellbeing, sparks innovation, and can even fast-track healing. In the world of commercial applications, preserved nature is not just a choice; it’s the future.

The Impact of Preserved Nature on Human Well-being

Bringing the outdoors inside with preserved nature makes more sense than you might think. It taps into our innate love for nature, a concept known as biophilia. Here’s the deal – spaces filled with natural elements aren’t just pretty to look at; they have a real, positive impact on our well-being. First off, they reduce stress. Imagine stepping into an office and being greeted by lush greenery. Instantly, the day’s stress begins to fade, right? That’s the power of preserved nature. Next, it boosts mood. Green spaces are known to uplift spirits, making us feel more optimistic and happy. Now, think about spending your workday in such an environment. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Plus, it improves air quality. While preserved nature might not have the same air-purifying qualities as living plants, it still contributes to a cleaner, more invigorating space minus the high maintenance. Lastly, preserved nature enhances concentration and productivity. With reduced stress and a better mood, you’re more likely to focus and get things done faster and better. So, wrapping it up, incorporating preserved nature into workspaces is more than just a design trend; it’s about improving our daily lives. Simple, effective, and frankly, necessary.

Addressing Common Concerns: Maintenance and Longevity

When folks hear about integrating preserved nature into commercial spaces, two questions pop up first: “Isn’t that hard to maintain?” and “How long do these natural elements last?” Let’s tackle these head-on. First off, preserved nature, surprisingly, demands less upkeep than its living counterpart. No watering, no pruning, just the occasional dusting. Simple. On longevity, these pieces hold their charm for years. Depending on the preservation method and environment, we’re talking about a lifespan of 7 to 10 years, sometimes longer. So, if the concern is about added chores or frequent replacements, rest easy. Preserved nature in biophilic design is pretty much set it and forget it, all while keeping spaces vibrant and full of life.

Steps to Implementing Preserved Nature in Your Space

To bring preserved nature into your commercial space, start by thinking about what vibes you’re going for. Do you want a calming retreat, a source of inspiration, or a lively oasis? Once you have that figured out, follow these steps:

First, assess your space. Look at what you’ve got to work with — how much natural light comes in, what are the humidity levels, and how much space do you actually have? This will help you decide what kind of preserved nature elements will thrive in your environment.

Next, pick the right plants and materials. Not all preserved nature is the same. Some options need more care; others are pretty much set and forget. Some gardens are healthier, and trustworthy with credentials offered by the supplier, some are not. The preserved garden provider should be transparent, and it is absolutely necessary to ask VOC Content test, and ASTM 6866 Bio-Based test to ensure these preserved greenery are healthy and safe to use around occupants. Go for moss walls or preserved foliage supplier with most 3rd party tests, and with most compliance with related sustainability, material health and occupant health credentials. If you’re all about the aesthetic, think about adding branches or driftwood.

Then, get the right containers. This is where your style comes into play. Choose containers that match your commercial space’s vibe. Modern, eclectic, rustic? Your containers can elevate the look.

Now, plan your layout. It’s not just about sticking plants here and there. Think about how the elements flow together. Create focal points but keep the space functional. Remember, the goal is to enhance the space, not overcrowd it.

Lastly, maintenance is key. Yes, preserved nature is lower maintenance than traditional plants, but you still need to check in occasionally. Dust them off, make sure they aren’t in direct sunlight, and rearrange them if needed to keep the look fresh.

By following these steps, you’ll not only improve the aesthetic of your commercial space but also promote a connection to nature that can boost creativity, productivity, and overall well-being for all who enter without compromising the material health and occupant health.

Conclusion: The Future of Biophilic Design with Preserved Nature

As we wrap up, it’s clear that preserved nature is not just a trend in biophilic design; it’s the future. With the world leaning towards sustainability and eco-friendly solutions, integrating preserved nature into commercial spaces brings a slice of the outdoors inside, without the high maintenance. It’s a way to reduce stress, boost productivity, and create a connection with the environment. This approach not only makes spaces more visually appealing but also promotes a healthier, more sustainable way of living and working. So, when thinking about biophilic design in future projects, remember that preserved nature offers not just a solution for today but a vision for tomorrow. Its benefits are undeniable, making it an optimal choice for anyone looking to design spaces that are not only beautiful but also beneficial to our well-being and that of our planet.

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